Law Office of Sonny Im
Legal Disclaimer: The information on this website is about the Law Office of Sonny Im and is not intended to be legal advice, but general information related to legal issues commonly encountered with personal injury, DUI, Wrongful Death, Criminal Defense and the other legal areas.
The Law Office of Sonny Im services Pinellas County, Tampa, and Florida.
This legal disclaimer does not mean that all lawsuits or legal cases will be accepted. The Law Office of Sonny Im reserves the right to decline any representation. This site is only intended to provide information about qualified Florida lawyers and the Law Office of Sonny Im.
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.
All references are to Florida State Law, and may or may not be similar to the law of the reader’s state. This website is to be strictly construed as a public resource containing general information that is intended, but cannot and is not promised or guaranteed, to be correct, complete, or up-to-date.
Our website is not intended be a source of advertising, solicitation, or legal advice. The reader of this legal disclaimer should not consider this information to be an invitation for an attorney-client relationship, should not rely on information provided herein, and should always seek the advice of competent counsel in the reader’s state.
Responses to e-mail inquiries concerning legal issues should be considered merely of a general nature and should not be relied upon without direct face-to-face consultation with competent counsel in the reader’s state.
The owner of this website ia an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida. There are links that are provided to other websites, including other lawyers, law firms, and many legal resources; however, we do not intend such links to be referrals or endorsements of the linked entities, or a guarantee of the accuracy of the information contained on those sites.
The Law Office of Sonny Im does not want you to chose representation based solely upon viewing this website in a state where this website fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that state.
The Law Office of Sonny Im,and the Florida Bar believe that the hiring of a attorney is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.